language templates中文什么意思

发音:   用"language templates"造句
  • language:    n. 1.语言;(某民族,某国的)国 ...
  • template:    n. 1.=templet. 2.【 ...
  • templates:    本; 模板
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更多例句:  下一页
  1. To install when using a windows sharepoint services language template pack
    在使用windows sharepoint services语言模板包的情况下安装
  2. Before installing windows sharepoint services language template pack sp2 , you should install
    安装windows sharepoint services语言模板包sp2之前,应首先安装
  3. With this language template pack you can create web sites in languages other than the default language selected at installation
  4. If you are updating a web farm , you should update all web servers to windows sharepoint services language template pack sp2 at the same time
    :如果您正在更新web场,则应一次性将所有web服务器更新到windows sharepoint services语言模板包sp2 。
  5. If you have windows sharepoint services service pack 2 or later installed , you can use this language template pack on servers running microsoft asp . net 2 . 0 and on x64 - based servers


  1. language teaching methodology 什么意思
  2. language teaching pedagogy 什么意思
  3. language teaching system 什么意思
  4. language teaching theories and practice 什么意思
  5. language technology 什么意思
  6. language test 什么意思
  7. language testing 什么意思
  8. language theorist 什么意思
  9. language theory 什么意思
  10. language therapist 什么意思


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